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Project Documents

Project Documents

Project summary

The following document provides a one page summary of the project and its key findings.

Summary of landslide hazard and risk maps

The following document provides a one page summary outlining the background to the landslide hazard and risk maps produced as part of the project.

Project summary presentation

A presentation providing a summary of the overall SHEAR project that has been delivered to a wide range of partners and stakeholders (for details of individual organisations see the list available here).

Case study: Village level assessment of landslide risk

A 1-page document summarising how the geospatial data generated through this project can inform village level assessments of landslide risk.

Case study: Landslide maps and rural infrastructure planning

A 1-page document summarising how the geospatial data generated through this project can inform risk sensitive rural infrastructure planning.

Key messages for landslide risk reduction

The following short documents contain useful messages for a non-technical audience in districts and palikas, and NGOs working on landslide risk reduction.

10 Key Messages: Reducing landslide risk during the monsoon

Simple rules for reducing risk to earthquake triggered landslides

Automated landslide mapping

The following report summarises a series of exploratory analyses undertaken to test the potential utility of future efforts in (semi-) automated landslide mapping across Nepal.

Mapping rural roads

The following report summarises a series of pilots to test the ability to map and date rural roads from freely available satellite imagery using both manual and automated techniques.

Impact Based Forecasting

The following presentation was delivered as part of a joint “State of the Science: Weather Forecasting and Landslides” workshop in May 2021. The workshop brought together staff from the Met Office’s ARRCC programme and the SHEAR landslide mapping / Sajag-Nepal projects to help the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, and the NDRRMA Nepal implement an IBF pilot for the upcoming monsoon.

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